Blood Buzz Newsletter – November 2021

Dear Blood Donor,

As we approach the end of 2021 and gearing up for 2022, we would like to remind all our donors in ‘Do-vember’ to make blood donation part of their to-do-list. When you donate blood in ‘Do-vember’, you will get your free 2022 desk calendar to always remind you of how remarkable you are and the impact the number 3 can have on our lives.

In this edition of Blood Buzz, you will find two inspiring articles about remarkable blood donors – a lifelong commitment from a blood donor who donated the most number of units to date, and Mr Reid’s deep roots in WCBS.  We share our winners of our 2021 recognition awards, give you a glimpse of our 1 day – 10 malls – 1000 units campaign, highlight our October Iron-spired campaign, and as always, Dr Caroline’s feature in our FAQ section.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Blood Buzz and if you are taking a well-deserved break at the end of the year, enjoy putting your feet up. Please stay safe, ‘till next time.

Yours in blood donation,



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