The South African Haemovigilance Report 2023

Get a full analytical review about blood product usage, blood sufficiency, transfusion-related adverse events, the look-back programme and donor haemovigilance in The South African Haemovigilance Report 2023 by the Independent Haemovigilance Committee (IHC).

This report includes recommendations by the IHC regarding adherence to blood transfusion protocols, appropriate group O emergency blood usage, reporting of incorrect blood component transfusions even when no adverse event is observed, and improvements to blood stocks.

The authors of the report expressed concern that incorrect blood product transfusions accounted for 29.5% of all serious adverse events in 2023, through breaches in blood transfusion protocols concerning sampling, crossmatching, issuing and transfusion of the product.

To stay up-to-date about best transfusion protocols, subscribe to the Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) transfusion education poster campaigns that run throughout the year. The campaigns promote pre-transfusion bedside checks, correct sample labelling and completion of the blood request form, reporting of adverse transfusion reactions, look-back investigations, reducing blood wastage, and cost saving tips.

You can also access information about appropriate group O emergency blood usage and recommended clinical guidelines for blood usage from the WCBS website – as alluded to in the report.

For more information about the haemovigilance report, or to request educational talks, contact Dr Caroline Hilton, Lead Medical Consultant (