By Nadia Turner

As the year draws to a close and we find ourselves busy with the festivities and celebrations of the season, we the Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) would like to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to all our remarkable blood donors. Your generosity and selflessness throughout 2024 has made a tremendous difference in the lives of many.

Every year, WCBS challenges our blood donors to commit at least four times in the year through our commitment campaign. This year, 6782 generous donors rose to the challenge by successfully donating blood or a blood product four times in 2024.

Some of you even went above and beyond the challenge, with 1078 donating six times this year.

Whole blood donors can donate up to six times in a year (every 56 days), which is roughly every second month. However, plasma and platelet donors can donate more frequently. Plasma donors can donate every second week and platelet donors monthly. This is because the body regenerates plasma and platelets more quickly than red cells.

No matter what blood product you donated during 2024, know that you have given someone the remarkable gift of life. Without you, saving lives through blood transfusions would not be possible. The festive season is always a challenging time for blood stocks, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our clinics during this period and welcoming you back in 2025.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and peaceful new year.