By Nadia Turner

To reach a milestone can be defined as achieving or experiencing an exceptional, impressive, significant or consequential moment, situation or event.

That is exactly what Mr Denver Solomons achieved and experienced when he recently donated his 150th unit of blood and he has no intention of stopping anytime soon. Mr Solomons, a regular blood donor at the Athlone Civic Centre blood donation clinic, started his blood donation journey in 1975 while working in Cape Town. A colleague of his, a regular blood donor, was advised by the Professional Nurse working at the blood donation clinic to visit his doctor after she picked something up during his health checks when he came to donate. It was discovered by his doctor that he had a problem with one of his heart valves and required surgery. Donating blood not only saved the lives of the patients receiving the blood but  possibly, of the donor as well, as his condition may have gone undetected  if it was not for the Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) staff. This incident inspired Mr Solomon to start donating blood and he has never looked back.

Mr Solomons’ wife also received blood when giving birth to their son; thanks to the generosity of other donors like Mr Solomons, who donate blood regularly. Mr. Solomons outlook on life is, “You give from the heart, which is how I was raised.”

“You don’t give to get something back,” although I am sure he is very grateful that there are other selfless people out there ensuring that blood is available when needed.

Over the years Mr Solomons has donated blood all over Cape Town and even when at Goudini Spa, his regular holiday destination, he finds time to donate if he is due to do so. His 150 donations of O+ blood have changed the lives of approximately 450 patients and their families.

Mr Solomons says that donating blood only takes 10 minutes once on the bed and makes him feel good, knowing he is going to save lives and will continue as long as he is healthy. “The youth don’t always realise the importance and the positives you get from donating blood.”  He is an inspiration to both young and old through the achievement of his remarkable milestone.