Blood Buzz Newsletter – March 2024

Dear Blood Donor,

In this edition of Blood Buzz, we share some of our highlights over the past three months. During this time, we emphasised the importance of blood donation through our monthly campaigns, linking it to the word ‘type’, cause let’s face it, as blood donors, we are all someone’s type. 😉

We kicked the year off with our exciting annual commitment campaign. If you missed what it is all about, be sure to read the article and view the video in ‘Blood, Blessings and Bags – A Unique New Year’s Resolution with a Lasting Impact’. We delve deeper into ‘The Rewarding Benefits of Becoming a Blood Donor’, and answer a frequently asked question: ‘Why Do We Ask You to Complete the Donor Questionnaire Every Time You Donate Blood?’

You can read about how our staff are the type who gives back to the community by participating in the CANSA Shavathon, raising awareness at the Cape Town cycle tour, and how we rocked our socks for World Down Syndrome Day. You will surely see that ‘We Love What We Do’.

Read more about ‘Super 9 – A Challenge for the Youth’, and ‘Heart to Heart – an Inspiring Story of a Couple Donating Blood Together’.

Be on the lookout for our new trimester look-and-feel, as we ‘hero’ you, our valued blood donors over the next four months, starting in May. But for now, enjoy the read and remember you are remarkable!

Yours in blood donation,



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