Q: From WCBS’s point of view, do you encourage doctors to get consent before administering blood or blood products to patients? I am uncertain whether there is any ethical responsibility from WCBS and I would like to create awareness amongst the doctors, hence my question.

A: WCBS absolutely supports the informed consent process between the doctor and their patient when blood products are prescribed. It is essential that the patient understands both the benefits and risks of the transfusion before it is initiated. It is the doctor’s responsibility as the prescriber of the blood or blood products to obtain informed consent, and in the event that anything should go wrong, it is also their responsibility to manage the risks.

WCBS provide a patient information leaflet, as an adjunct to the doctor – patient discussion that can be viewed here: Patient Information Leaflet

Furthermore, WCBS encourage informed consent through the following education material, that is available on our website (www.wcbs.org.za):

For more information, contact Dr Caroline Hilton, Lead Medical Consultant (caroline@wcbs.org.za).